
Why We Switched to Wooden Wicks
We kept all the aspects you loved and made a few minor changes. The candles are still non-toxic, pet friendly, scented using only organic essential oils and made from an ethically sourced coconut + soy wax blend. We swapped out the cotton-core wick for a wooden wick and we want to share the reason!
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Global Recycling Day
Recycling is crucial because it helps mitigate the environmental impact of waste disposal. When we recycle, we divert materials from landfills, reduce pollution, and conserve energy and natural resources. By making a conscious effort to recycle regularly, we contribute to a circular economy where materials are reused, repurposed, and recycled, creating a more sustainable and resilient world.
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B CORP CERTIFIED: A Green Revolution for Businesses
In a world where corporate responsibility is gaining momentum, the B Corp Certification stands as a beacon of commitment to social and environmental values. Being B Corp Certified isn't just a badge; it's a testament to our dedication to balancing profit with purpose. We believe businesses can be a force for good. 
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What is "Carbon Neutral"?
Being carbon neutral, also known as carbon neutrality or having a net-zero carbon footprint, means that an individual, organization, event, or even a whole country has balanced the amount of greenhouse gases (GHGs) they emit with an equivalent amount of...
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